## Scope This is a curated list of Ethereum blockchain tokens. ## Name And Ticker - The name should be the most commonly used display (marketing) name to refer to the token. The ticker should be the most widely used one. None of them necessarily need to be the canonical or official name/ticker given by project creators nor the one in the token contract. In case of a tie, favor the name and ticker from the official sources. - Token and coin suffixes should be omitted, unless, the suffixed name is well established and when you omit the suffix, the project name and token name becomes the same. In case of a tie, favor the name without a token and coin suffix. ## Symbol - The symbol should represent the token. - The symbol should be a transparent PNG (Portable Network Graphics) of at least 128x128 and at most 2500x2500 pixels. It should not be more than 1 Megabytes. It should be centered and take most of the space available in the image. It should not include the project or token name unless the symbol always includes it. It should be of a definition high enough such that it should not appear pixelated or blurry unless those are on-purpose features of the symbol. The logo should be fully included. ## Warning - Contract addresses are an attack vector and should be checked carefully. - In case of duplicates, if the token is already registered with another submission, reject subsequent submissions for the same token.